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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Keagan's First Christmas Program!!!

Sunday evening was Keagan's first ever performance in front of a crowd :) He did so good!!! And of course mama teared up!! All of the children of our church's kid's church put on a wonderful program! The younger kids (like Keagan) did a special little story and a fun song, and the older kids did a neat skit.
I hope as Christmas draws near, we remember what the Christmas truly means!!!
God Bless!
Here are some photos from the evening (please excuse the poor quality of some, mom's camera was dying lol)
Daddy and Bug waiting for the program to start.

All the kids waiting for their debut.

My little star!!! He did so good!!!

They sang a really cute song.

Keagan is still singing this song LOL

I was so proud he didn't get scared and clam up lol

Our little family :)

My handsome little guys :)

Look mama! a cookie!!!!!

Grady talking to Burl, they are so cute :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Little Guy is Growing Up

Keagan had his first Sunday School Christmas party tonight! He was so excited, he'd come running up to me and say "mama! is it time to go yet!?" It's hard to believe that he's old enough to be going to sunday school and kid's church all by himself. I'm so proud of that little boy! He has a heart for Jesus, everyday he reminds me to do our devotions (debotions as he would say lol). I pray his little heart stays true to Jesus :) ANYWAY I got a little off subject ;p its 2 am as I write this so I blame no sleep LOL.
He had a ball tonight! He got to eat pizza (his favorite) and cookies. They had story time and made a neat Christmas decoration, and got to play and run around.  Here are some pictures from this evening's festivities!

There was lots of playing.

Lots of good food.

A great story.

A craft. (When he concentrates he sticks out his tongue lol)

Working really hard!

My big boy and I :) (please excuse our undecorated tree lol)

I am so thankful that I have such a great church family! They have been so good to our family, and I thank them for it :) 
Well it is now 3 am, I better get some sleep before the little storms wake up :) 

God Bless!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Catching Up!

Shoo! It's been awhile since I've posted last! A few things have happened since then! During our church retreat my Little Bug began having Absence Seizures, in 2 weeks he had 17 of them. We ended up having to take him to Dayton Children's Hospital, where they did several tests finding nothing, they ended up putting him on Keppra (an anti seizure med) twice daily and since then he's had only one seizure Praise The Lord!!!!!
Grady in his room at Dayton Children's, you may notice his black eye, the seizures were causing him to be off balance :(

They did a 24 hour EEG on him, this was right after they put it on LOL he was NOT happy ;p

Givin mama kisses :) He did so good!! (please excuse the mess in the background LOL)

By the next day he had become a pro at wearing his cone LOL.

That was the big thing that happened this past month. Thanksgiving went great, I cooked my first turkey and didn't burn it or undercook it LOL I'm so impressed ;p. Now Christmas is rapidly approaching and I'm far from ready, YIKES! ;p I've been battling chest and neck spasms for nearly a week now, if they continue I may end up needing therapy, until then I've been on pain medicine so if none of this post makes since, I blame that LOL ;p Well that is all for now, I pray you all have a blessed day, and if you are struggling or hurting please remember this, God loves you!! He really truly does!!!!!! Pray and ask Him for help and He will!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Church Retreat Fun!

 This weekend was our church’s retreat, and what a blessing it was!! After getting some news Friday from the doctor about our little boy, that could possibly turn into some scary stuff, I NEEDED this retreat more than ever.

I also have never been more thankful for my cozy warm home and bed!
We stayed in a nice cabin that had no actual source of heat other than a space heater. These cabins are primarily used in the summer during church camps, so there was a really nice air conditioner! Just no really nice heater LOL. But thankfully the little heater worked wonders when we closed the bedroom door, I walked out into the main living area and nearly froze!!!
Keagan and Halie. Where one was so was the other, LOL

Anybody want a worm?! LOL My good friend Wendy is so crafty!! she made these "worms" from jello!!!

The worker bees :)

We had a great turn out Saturday night for some late night skits and homemade ice cream!

Planning their next skit, they were a HOOT!!!!

Always a clown in the bunch ;p

Keagan and Mamaw enjoying some ice cream

Our Pastor and his wife, good good people, I can not say that enough lol

My daddy enjoying some ice cream, (Ps, I love this man with all my heart, he's always been there for me!!!)

The weekend was filled with fun, fellowship and great food! Saturday turned out to be a beautiful fall day, the kids were able to play outdoors and explore the woods comfortably. Sunday came with an unexpected trip to the emergency room for our little one, Saturday he started to have staring spells and began falling a lot, ended up with a black eye and a bruised cheek. So back to the neurologist we’ll be going, sooner than his already scheduled appointment. Your prayers are certainly welcomed!! We will get through this with God’s help!!!  We have fought this fight for so long! We can’t give up now!

I hope you all had a wonderful wonderful weekend!!!!!!

God Bless!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Beautiful Fall Day

Last week my lovely sister, the boys and I went to Bearcreek Farms to take our fall pictures. This place has seen better days sadly, when I was young it was a bustling little place with fair rides, and a fun "downtown". It sits nearly empty anymore, people still camp out there and they still do some things, but nothing like it used to be. But they have some great spots for picture taking, so here's a few!! Enjoy!!

This is my precious little boy, Grady. His young life has been filled with hospital stays and doctor appointments, yet he fights through it like a little trooper, God has great things in store for him!!!

The 2 that make my heart beat, they give me strength to get through whatever it is I need to get through. I love them with my heart and soul!!!

Myself and the one that changed my life, Keagan. His bright sunshiny smile and giggle melts my heart every time. 

This is my beautiful sister Connie, she's been there for me through thick and thin. Even when she gets grouchy at me, she's only looking out for me :) We have another sister Sharon, but she didn't come with us that day, I love her dearly too :)

 He's gotten so big compared to the 4 lbs I brought home 18 months ago!!!

Another shot of Connie :)

I guess you could take this picture as the older brother comforting his younger brother. But in real life, Grady was ticked that his brother was touching him LOL.

His bright blue eyes, get me every time, God has truly blessed me with beautiful children!!!

This would be me again.

I love this old church, how rustic it looks!

I like this one, I feel a bit like a pioneer here LOL.

This is the only way I can usually get a good picture of them LOL.

Such a beautiful place!! 

I love the fall!! such a beautiful time of year!!!

Well, there you have it! I hope I haven't bored you with too many pictures LOL. Anywho, I hope you have a beautiful day! We are getting ready for our Church Retreat this weekend! I'll be sure to post pictures. :)

God Bless!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

When Your Heating Element Goes Out

Something dreadful happened yesterday, that put a huge stop to everything I had planned. My dryer died. Well, not so much as died but just stopped heating, it would run its cycle but wouldn't dry the clothes. Now of course it was when I had a pile of clothes that would look like Mount Everest to our cat. But sometimes I think things happen to kind of wake us up.
Now sometimes my brain starts looking at things a little differently lol. As I was sitting at my mother's doing laundry and  grumbling about all the work I had to do at home, something popped in my head. Sometimes our spiritual lives are just like that dryer, we're going along our merry way doing what we were are supposed to do, but no heat, no fire! I don't want to be a passive christian! I want to be on fire for Jesus!
So I wrote all this to say is your" heating element" out in your spiritual life? If so I know an amazing repair man name Jesus Christ! He does amazing work :) I KNOW!!

Now I know sometimes my analogies seem kinda silly, but sometimes I just have a different way of seeing things, and since my life evolves around laundry, cooking, cleaning and ornery little boys, thats usually where things come to light to me LOL

God Bless You!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Meatloaf Apology

      We had a visitor for supper this evening, a friend of my husband's. Now I'll admit it, this friend and I have had some rough patches in the past. But since I've rededicated my life to Christ, I've been kindly reminded that everyone should see Jesus in me. Now let me tell you, it is NOT easy for me to keep my mouth shut and smile, especially when I have what I think is important things to say. But this evening I felt as if God was weighing it on my heart to do something about it, so I told my husband to invite his friend to stay for supper (pretty sure he had to pick his jaw up off the floor LOL).  Now I am not good at just coming out and apologizing, but I am good at cooking a killer meatloaf (well so says my husband lol). You know, I don't even know why I was so stressed out over it all, supper went amazing! You would have never known there had been any sort of tension between us! God is good! I pray that he sees Christ through me :)

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.
Thank you for guiding me and holding my hand through this life.
Let my friends see You through me Jesus!!

Have a blessed Sunday!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking on the "bright side" of life

        Some days I feel like I'm standing in 3 feet of mud and can't move and life is running me over. Ever feel like that? Since my youngest child's constant health problems and stays in the hospital, I've started feeling like that A LOT. Now I read a quote a few weeks ago that hit me like a ton of bricks.  "Rest. God is in control."  A sense of peace overwhelmed me and I began to ask God for forgiveness and thanking Him for basically smacking me in the face with that quote LOL.
         For those who know me well, they know I've become overwhelmed with the abundance of doctor visits, and now having 2 specialists, and the numerous hospital stays that my precious baby boy has had to endure. I may not understand why he has seizures and breathing problems, but what I DO know is that my savior has complete control, and there is a reason for all of this!!! I'm so thankful that when I'm scared or when Grady is very sick, I know God has His hand on us!!

God Bless and Hope your day is wonderful!!