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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Looking on the "bright side" of life

        Some days I feel like I'm standing in 3 feet of mud and can't move and life is running me over. Ever feel like that? Since my youngest child's constant health problems and stays in the hospital, I've started feeling like that A LOT. Now I read a quote a few weeks ago that hit me like a ton of bricks.  "Rest. God is in control."  A sense of peace overwhelmed me and I began to ask God for forgiveness and thanking Him for basically smacking me in the face with that quote LOL.
         For those who know me well, they know I've become overwhelmed with the abundance of doctor visits, and now having 2 specialists, and the numerous hospital stays that my precious baby boy has had to endure. I may not understand why he has seizures and breathing problems, but what I DO know is that my savior has complete control, and there is a reason for all of this!!! I'm so thankful that when I'm scared or when Grady is very sick, I know God has His hand on us!!

God Bless and Hope your day is wonderful!!


Mornings in Kansas said...

Thinking about and praying for you, Brenda! I can't imagine!! Glad to see you are blogging!! :)

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