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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Keagan's First Christmas Program!!!

Sunday evening was Keagan's first ever performance in front of a crowd :) He did so good!!! And of course mama teared up!! All of the children of our church's kid's church put on a wonderful program! The younger kids (like Keagan) did a special little story and a fun song, and the older kids did a neat skit.
I hope as Christmas draws near, we remember what the Christmas truly means!!!
God Bless!
Here are some photos from the evening (please excuse the poor quality of some, mom's camera was dying lol)
Daddy and Bug waiting for the program to start.

All the kids waiting for their debut.

My little star!!! He did so good!!!

They sang a really cute song.

Keagan is still singing this song LOL

I was so proud he didn't get scared and clam up lol

Our little family :)

My handsome little guys :)

Look mama! a cookie!!!!!

Grady talking to Burl, they are so cute :)


Anonymous said...

You took some great pics! They did a good job, and Keegan was so cute! I felt a little stupid cause I didn't realize that Allison wasn't a part of the "backyard" scene (hence the denim skirt, etc.). She looked a little out of place up there with all the ones who were so dressed up! Oh well, I'm old and she's #4, so what can I

Brenda Daugherty said...

aw LOL she's a cutie lol ;p They did so well, I was so proud of them all :)

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