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Thursday, October 20, 2011

When Your Heating Element Goes Out

Something dreadful happened yesterday, that put a huge stop to everything I had planned. My dryer died. Well, not so much as died but just stopped heating, it would run its cycle but wouldn't dry the clothes. Now of course it was when I had a pile of clothes that would look like Mount Everest to our cat. But sometimes I think things happen to kind of wake us up.
Now sometimes my brain starts looking at things a little differently lol. As I was sitting at my mother's doing laundry and  grumbling about all the work I had to do at home, something popped in my head. Sometimes our spiritual lives are just like that dryer, we're going along our merry way doing what we were are supposed to do, but no heat, no fire! I don't want to be a passive christian! I want to be on fire for Jesus!
So I wrote all this to say is your" heating element" out in your spiritual life? If so I know an amazing repair man name Jesus Christ! He does amazing work :) I KNOW!!

Now I know sometimes my analogies seem kinda silly, but sometimes I just have a different way of seeing things, and since my life evolves around laundry, cooking, cleaning and ornery little boys, thats usually where things come to light to me LOL

God Bless You!


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