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Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Meatloaf Apology

      We had a visitor for supper this evening, a friend of my husband's. Now I'll admit it, this friend and I have had some rough patches in the past. But since I've rededicated my life to Christ, I've been kindly reminded that everyone should see Jesus in me. Now let me tell you, it is NOT easy for me to keep my mouth shut and smile, especially when I have what I think is important things to say. But this evening I felt as if God was weighing it on my heart to do something about it, so I told my husband to invite his friend to stay for supper (pretty sure he had to pick his jaw up off the floor LOL).  Now I am not good at just coming out and apologizing, but I am good at cooking a killer meatloaf (well so says my husband lol). You know, I don't even know why I was so stressed out over it all, supper went amazing! You would have never known there had been any sort of tension between us! God is good! I pray that he sees Christ through me :)

Dear Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins.
Thank you for guiding me and holding my hand through this life.
Let my friends see You through me Jesus!!

Have a blessed Sunday!!


Wendy said...

Way to let your 'little light shine'!

It's encouraging to see you grow and blossom!

Unknown said...

Well said.

Brenda Daugherty said...

Thanks ladies :)

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