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Monday, February 6, 2012

Rice Buddies!!!

As a child and now as an adult there is nothing more soothing than heat for an achy tummy or muscle aches. The other day Keagan was complaining of a tummy ache and then I thought to myself, I should make him a rice pack! (he has dubbed it his rice buddy LOL probably because the material I chose had Buddy from Dinosaur Train on it). So I went and picked up some fleece material but you could flannel, a sock or even an old towel. I picked fleece because its soft and I was making them for my youngins. So here is how you make them :) (please excuse the poor pictures, I was trying to work around little bodies LOL)

You'll need material, rice, scissors, and a sewing machine (or you could sew by hand, but thats way too much work for me LOL)

I used a dish towel to cut out how big I wanted it, now you can make them any size you'd like but I like them bigger  :)

I folded it in half, pinned the sides, leaving a small space in one of the seams open, I got a little carried away with pinning :/ LOL

make sure you're fabric is inside out! or you'll have a not so pretty pack lol, sew it up like so.

pull your material through the hole so the pretty side is out 

Now for the messy part lol, my children kept telling me to not make a mess

My funnel was too small so I had to improvise :) fill it however full you'd like it, I like mine a little less full to make it more "cuddly" 
Now, you can get fancy and sew up the hole by hand so your thread doesn't show, OR do like me because I don't have patience and just tuck in the material to match the rest of the pack and sew it on the outside, since its just us using them I did it this way :)

And there you have it!! Now I use these for my babies so I don't put it in the  microwave as long as mine.
Between a minute to 2 minutes for my kids, 3 to 4 minutes for myself :)
 Now if one of my instructions aren't clear enough for you, comment and I'll try to explain better :)
Hope you have a blessed day!!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Giving Our Table A Face Lift

So our kitchen table had gone from being "distressed" to being IN distress. I had put a lot of work into painting it and making it just the way I wanted and I really didn't want to put even MORE work into it. Then I remembered seeing in a blog somewhere a year or so ago (before I had found Pintrest ROFL, I wish I could remember, I'd so give them credit lol) about using vinyl to "cover" the table. Not just you ordinary vinyl table cloth (well I suppose you could) but something like at hobby lobby on those big rolls. I chose a sort of leather looking vinyl that paired well with the distressed look of my table. So, here's how I did it!

Here is the "before" pic notice the extra out of place chipping? *sigh* 

I measured the table (well Hubby did :D) and bought the vinyl at Hobby Lobby 

You only need a staple gun and scissors, I needed to dismantle some of  my table  so I needed the screwdriver :)

Pull the vinyl tight, and staple around your table, tuck your corners nice and tight!,  and trim the access vinyl

And there you have it! cost me about 20 bucks to  cover it , but saved me from having to do all that extra work and  made me less cranky :D :D 

I hope you had a lovely Sunday!!!
God Bless!!