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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Church Retreat Fun!

 This weekend was our church’s retreat, and what a blessing it was!! After getting some news Friday from the doctor about our little boy, that could possibly turn into some scary stuff, I NEEDED this retreat more than ever.

I also have never been more thankful for my cozy warm home and bed!
We stayed in a nice cabin that had no actual source of heat other than a space heater. These cabins are primarily used in the summer during church camps, so there was a really nice air conditioner! Just no really nice heater LOL. But thankfully the little heater worked wonders when we closed the bedroom door, I walked out into the main living area and nearly froze!!!
Keagan and Halie. Where one was so was the other, LOL

Anybody want a worm?! LOL My good friend Wendy is so crafty!! she made these "worms" from jello!!!

The worker bees :)

We had a great turn out Saturday night for some late night skits and homemade ice cream!

Planning their next skit, they were a HOOT!!!!

Always a clown in the bunch ;p

Keagan and Mamaw enjoying some ice cream

Our Pastor and his wife, good good people, I can not say that enough lol

My daddy enjoying some ice cream, (Ps, I love this man with all my heart, he's always been there for me!!!)

The weekend was filled with fun, fellowship and great food! Saturday turned out to be a beautiful fall day, the kids were able to play outdoors and explore the woods comfortably. Sunday came with an unexpected trip to the emergency room for our little one, Saturday he started to have staring spells and began falling a lot, ended up with a black eye and a bruised cheek. So back to the neurologist we’ll be going, sooner than his already scheduled appointment. Your prayers are certainly welcomed!! We will get through this with God’s help!!!  We have fought this fight for so long! We can’t give up now!

I hope you all had a wonderful wonderful weekend!!!!!!

God Bless!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A Beautiful Fall Day

Last week my lovely sister, the boys and I went to Bearcreek Farms to take our fall pictures. This place has seen better days sadly, when I was young it was a bustling little place with fair rides, and a fun "downtown". It sits nearly empty anymore, people still camp out there and they still do some things, but nothing like it used to be. But they have some great spots for picture taking, so here's a few!! Enjoy!!

This is my precious little boy, Grady. His young life has been filled with hospital stays and doctor appointments, yet he fights through it like a little trooper, God has great things in store for him!!!

The 2 that make my heart beat, they give me strength to get through whatever it is I need to get through. I love them with my heart and soul!!!

Myself and the one that changed my life, Keagan. His bright sunshiny smile and giggle melts my heart every time. 

This is my beautiful sister Connie, she's been there for me through thick and thin. Even when she gets grouchy at me, she's only looking out for me :) We have another sister Sharon, but she didn't come with us that day, I love her dearly too :)

 He's gotten so big compared to the 4 lbs I brought home 18 months ago!!!

Another shot of Connie :)

I guess you could take this picture as the older brother comforting his younger brother. But in real life, Grady was ticked that his brother was touching him LOL.

His bright blue eyes, get me every time, God has truly blessed me with beautiful children!!!

This would be me again.

I love this old church, how rustic it looks!

I like this one, I feel a bit like a pioneer here LOL.

This is the only way I can usually get a good picture of them LOL.

Such a beautiful place!! 

I love the fall!! such a beautiful time of year!!!

Well, there you have it! I hope I haven't bored you with too many pictures LOL. Anywho, I hope you have a beautiful day! We are getting ready for our Church Retreat this weekend! I'll be sure to post pictures. :)

God Bless!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

When Your Heating Element Goes Out

Something dreadful happened yesterday, that put a huge stop to everything I had planned. My dryer died. Well, not so much as died but just stopped heating, it would run its cycle but wouldn't dry the clothes. Now of course it was when I had a pile of clothes that would look like Mount Everest to our cat. But sometimes I think things happen to kind of wake us up.
Now sometimes my brain starts looking at things a little differently lol. As I was sitting at my mother's doing laundry and  grumbling about all the work I had to do at home, something popped in my head. Sometimes our spiritual lives are just like that dryer, we're going along our merry way doing what we were are supposed to do, but no heat, no fire! I don't want to be a passive christian! I want to be on fire for Jesus!
So I wrote all this to say is your" heating element" out in your spiritual life? If so I know an amazing repair man name Jesus Christ! He does amazing work :) I KNOW!!

Now I know sometimes my analogies seem kinda silly, but sometimes I just have a different way of seeing things, and since my life evolves around laundry, cooking, cleaning and ornery little boys, thats usually where things come to light to me LOL

God Bless You!