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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Happy Birthday Photo Shoot! :)

So my sweet sugar lumps have birthdays this month!!!! I am so excited! Keagan will be FOUR!!! and Grady will be TWO!!! I can not believe it! where has the time gone? I needed a picture for their invitations (A little "money saving tip" for you, take a nice picture, edit it in a free service (like picmonkey) you are able to add text to pictures on a site like that, add the party info onto the pic... and then watch for cheap or free prints at different places!!!) I am getting our invites for free! (well minus the 6 bucks I spent on balloons for the shoot LOL) Walgreens has a deal right now for 25 free prints :)

Anyhoo, so today I took the boys out and we did a little photo shoot for their birthday, it turned out sooo cute!!! Here's a coupld that I took!!

Ha ok so there is a little more than a "couple"  but I couldn't choose :D and if you hadn't guessed by now, we're doing a Dr. Seuss theme for their double birthday party!!! I can not wait!!!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!!!